Based on Wynton Marsalis' "The Fiddler’s Tale," a classic cautionary tale set to an exciting mash-up of contemporary sounds. The story features the devil as the main protagonist. His victim, Beatrice Connor, a violinist and band leader, gets seduced by the promise of easy fame, untold wealth, and all the glitz and glamour of the commercial music industry. Written in 1998, the story captures the challenges facing artists and remains strikingly relevant in today’s digital world.
Marsalis was inspired by Stravinky’s "The Soldier’s Tale," written almost a century ago in response to World War I. Marsalis’s music moves seamlessly across musical styles and genres, incorporating everything from neoclassical to blues. Stanley Crouch’s words are evocative and haunting, forming a perfect companion to this colorful score.
Raye Birk ................................ The Narrator
Noah Bremer ........................ The Savior/The Soul
Stephanie Fellner ................. Beatrice Conners
Anton LaMon ....................... The Devil
and the Minneapolis Music Company
Noah Bremer ........................ director
Joanna Harmon ................... director's assistant
Stephanie Fellner ................. costumer